Associate Professor at Department of Management

The Department of Management at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for one or more positions as associate professor in Management. The associate professorship is a full-time and permanent position starting on August 1, 2025 or as soon as possible subject to mutual agreement.

Job description

The ideal applicant is expected to contribute significantly to the department’s research and teaching environment and to the overall research strategy of the School.

You are expected to teach and supervise students at Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD level and to carry out individual and group-based research of the highest international standard contributing to the development of our academic field.

On this occasion and without prejudice, the department especially welcomes applicants who can teach and do research in the following areas:
  • Financial accounting and auditing
  • Management Accounting
  • (Management) Information Systems and Digitalization
  • Leadership and Organisation (Behaviour, Design and HRM)
  • Strategy
  • International Business
  • Marketing
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The department is international, and the working language and language of teaching in the majority of courses is English. Nevertheless, for improved career-prospects and to further employees’ flexibility in teaching, research and dissemination to the public, non-Danish applicants are expected to learn Danish within the first few years of


Applicants must possess research qualifications and teaching skills corresponding to those obtained after successful completion of a period of employment as an assistant professor, but equivalent academic qualifications may also be accepted.

Permanent employment as associate professor at Aarhus BSS requires completion of the supervision course and also the course Online and blended learning provided by Centre for Educational Development at Aarhus University. If you have not completed the courses before commencement of employment, continued employment will be conditional on completion of the courses within a two year period.

The required qualifications are elaborated below:

1. Research qualifications
The department is ambitious in terms of research publications.
Applicants are expected to have a well-documented international research profile with emphasis on innovative contributions in high standard, peer-reviewed publications:
  • Applicants must have produced and published research in addition to the PhD thesis and must demonstrate progression in the form of research publications that go beyond the PhD thesis, either thematically, theoretically, methodologically and/or empirically.
  •  A qualified applicant has at least three articles published or accepted for publication in high standard, international, peer-reviewed journals. A significant part must have been produced after finishing the PhD degree.
  • Emphasis will be put on current and recent productivity and take into account the number of years at present academic level.
  • Applicants must demonstrate the capacity to carry out independent research. In reviewing applicants, emphasis will therefore be on publications where the contribution of the applicant is substantial, as evidenced by first authorship and through co-authorship declarations.
  • In terms of evaluating the qualitative aspects of an applicant’s research competences, focus is on the publications submitted for assessment.

2. Didactical/pedagogical competences and experiences
Teaching and advising students at different levels is a main activity of an associate professor at the Department of Management. The Department is ambitious in terms of our teaching programme at BA, MA and PhD level.
  • All applicants submit a teaching portfolio, where didactical/pedagogical competencies are carefully documented.
  •  A qualified applicant must have experience from teaching several courses at different levels and on different topics. 6-8 courses are normally a minimum requirement.

3. Qualifications relating to research cooperation and management, and knowledge sharing with the public.
Applicants must have some experience in performing research cooperation, research management and knowledge sharing, possible editorial experience from professional journals or edited volumes, and possible experience with planning and running professional conferences, workshops etc.

Applicants must have good communication skills and must have the ability to work as part of a team.

Who we are

The Department of Management is one of the six departments at Aarhus BSS- one of the five faculties at Aarhus University. Aarhus BSS unites the business and social science-related research fields and brings them closer together to reflect the close relationship between society and the business community. As part of a Top 100 university, Aarhus BSS and the Department of Management have achieved the distinguished AASCB, AMBA and EQUIS accreditations.
The department’s research and teaching environment is highly international and culturally diverse with a mix of Danish and international academic staff members and PhD students. We employ more than 160 academic staff including researchers, PhD students, research associates and cover a broad range of disciplines within management. e.g. marketing, international business, organization, HR, strategy, management accounting, innovation management, entrepreneurship, digitalisation, and information systems. We aim to conduct high-quality research, and we give high priority to publishing our research in leading academic journals and presenting it at recognised conferences. In addition, we have a dynamic exchange of international researchers, who stay at the department for short or long periods of time. 

For more information about the Department of Management, please visit:

Further information

For further information about the position and the department, please contact Head of Department Jacob Kjær Eskildsen, Tel.: +45 3160 8100, Email:  

If you need help uploading your application or have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact HR supporter, Maria Løvgaard Bodin, Tel.: +45 87 15 34 45,  

Place of work

Aarhus BSS
Department of Management
Fuglesangs Allé 10
DK-8210 Aarhus V


All applications must be made online and received by March 1, 2025.


Ansættelse sker i henhold til bekendtgørelse om stillingsstruktur for videnskabeligt personale ved universiteter samt cirkulære om overenskomst for akademikere i staten.

Stillingsindhold og kvalifikationskrav er yderligere beskrevet i cirkulære om ansættelsesvilkår for videnskabeligt personale ved universiteter.


Det er obligatorisk at vedhæfte nedenstående, når du søger denne stilling:
  • Ansøgning
  • Curriculum Vitae. Du opfordres til at angive eventuelle orlovsperioder uden forskningsaktivitet, herunder fx barselsorlov, da dine forskningsaktiviteter vurderes i forhold til din reelle forskningstid
  • Uddannelse (Eksamensbevis kandidat-, ph.d.- og evt. doktorgrad)
  • Publikationsliste (de medsendte publikationer skal være tydeligt markeret på publikationslisten)
  • Publikationer. Op til fem publikationer kan medsendes. I tilfælde af flere forfattere vedlægges en medforfattererklæring om ansøgers andel i fællesarbejdet med tilsagn fra medforfatterne. Denne blanket kan bruges til formålet
  • Undervisningsportfolio. De nærmere krav til dokumentationen findes her
Materiale, der ikke kan uploades sammen med ansøgningen, kan indsendes i 5 eksemplarer til Aarhus BSS HR & Ph.d., Aarhus Universitet, Tåsingegade 1, 2. sal, 8000 Aarhus C.
Læs mere om, hvordan du søger en videnskabelig stilling ved Aarhus BSS her.


Der gøres brug af shortlisting. Det betyder, at et ansættelsesudvalg (bistået af formanden for bedømmelsesudvalget) rådgiver institutlederen om, hvilke ansøgere der samlet set bedst matcher instituttets og fakultetets rekrutteringsbehov, og som besidder ovenstående kvalifikationer, kompetencer, erfaring og potentiale.

Institutlederen udvælger gennem shortlistingsprocessen de ansøgere, der skal have en grundig vurdering af deres faglige kvalifikationer. Bedømmelsesudvalget vil herefter vurdere disse ansøgere. Alle ansøgere vil blive underrettet om, hvorvidt deres ansøgninger er blevet udvalgt eller ej, og sendes til et bedømmelsesudvalg til bedømmelse. De udvalgte ansøgere vil blive informeret om udvalgets sammensætning.
Vær opmærksom på, at bedømmelsen af ​​ansøgere udelukkende er baseret på det materiale, der er modtaget inden ansøgningsfristens udløb.

Du kan få yderligere oplysninger om rekrutteringsprocessen, udvælgelsesproceduren og retningslinjer for vurderingsudvalg på denne hjemmeside.

Aarhus Universitet vil være en attraktiv og inspirerende arbejdsplads for alle og ønsker en kultur, hvor hver enkelt kan udfolde og udvikle sig. Vi ser ligestilling og diversitet som en styrke og opfordrer derfor alle interesserede til at ansøge.

Ansøgning sendes via Aarhus Universitets rekrutteringssystem, som kan tilgås under stillingsopslaget på Aarhus Universitets hjemmeside.

Om Aarhus Universitet

Aarhus Universitet er et fagligt bredt og forskningsintensivt universitet med høj kvalitet i uddannelse og forskning, og et stærkt engagement i samfundsudviklingen nationalt og globalt. Universitetet tilbyder et inspirerende uddannelses- og forskningsmiljø for 38.000 studerende og 8.300 medarbejdere med en årlig omsætning på 7,0 mia. kr. Læs mere på
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Frist: 1. marts 2025
Faglig kontaktperson:
Jacob Kjær Eskildsen Institutleder +4593521431

Nordre Ringgade 1
8000 Aarhus

Tlf: 8715 0000

CVR-nr: 31119103